1 minute read


By: Belinda H

Evan Török is a seasoned investor and advisor to ultra-high net worth individuals and family offices. Török has been making waves in the financial world with his unique investment strategy. Török has been placing large amounts of capital from Europe into Africa (and other selected jurisdictions and transactions) in order to take advantage of the emerging markets on the continent and beat the high inflation rates in Europe.


Török’s strategy is simple: he believes that Africa is the future of the global economy and that investing in the continent is a smart move for investors looking for high returns. African economies have been growing rapidly in recent years, with many countries experiencing GDP growth rates of 6% or more. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including increasing foreign investment, a growing middle class, and a young and dynamic workforce.

At the same time, Europe is struggling with high inflation rates and low interest rates, which are making it difficult for investors to find profitable opportunities. Török saw an opportunity to take advantage of this situation by investing in Africa, where he believes that the returns on investment are much higher.

Török has been placing large amounts of capital into African economies, particularly in the areas of infrastructure, energy, and technology. He has also been advising other investors to do the same, and has become a leading voice in the investment community when it comes to African markets.

Török’s approach has not been without its challenges. Investing in emerging markets is always risky, and Africa is no exception. There are a number of political, economic, and social factors that can impact the success of investments on the continent, including corruption, instability, and conflict.

However, Török believes that the potential rewards outweigh the risks. He has been working closely with local partners and advisors to identify the most promising opportunities in African markets, and has been taking a long-term approach to his investments.

Overall, Török’s investment strategy has been gaining attention from investors and advisors around the world. As Africa continues to emerge as a major player in the global economy, it is clear that Török’s approach to investing in the continent is both innovative and forward-thinking.
